Tag: Antioquia

February 23, 2020

  • JEP personnel investigating “false positive” killings have extracted about 54 bodies of possible Army victims from a mass grave in the town cemetery of Dabeiba, Antioquia. In this historically conflictive municipality, the practice of killing civilians and claiming them as combat deaths may have gone on for 25 years. Victims have had little or no recourse until the JEP’s effort began.
Photo source: Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz

Tags: Antioquia, Army, Civil-Military Relations, False Positives, JEP, Military and Human Rights, Transitional Justice

February 23, 2020

Disidencias de las Farc y ‘gaitanistas’: la nueva guerra que se cocina en Ituango

Publicado por Verdad Abierta el 30 de enero de 2020.

The 18th Front FARC dissident group and the Gulf Clan paramilitaries are increasing their presence in the historically conflictive municipality of Ituango, Antioquia, where demobilized FARC members are especially vulnerable.

Tags: Antioquia, Armed Groups, Demobilization Disarmament and Reintegration, Dissident Groups, Gulf Clan, Protection of Excombatants

January 30, 2020