The Cooperation Space for Peace Warns of Deepening Humanitarian Crisis in Chocó Department

On May 3, the Cooperation Space for Peace (Espacio de Cooperación para la Paz, ECP)—a coalition of civil society organizations of which WOLA forms part of—published a statement about the deepening humanitarian crisis in Chocó department. The organizations who form part of the ECP expressed great dismay to the deteriorating security situation in the department and the lack of institutional state presence in the region.

The ECP expressed solidarity with the ethnic-territorial organizations, churches, and humanitarian agents who, on the ground, have directly verified what is happening in the territories.  They call for the use of dialogue to identify and overcome the causes of the situation.

The statement urged the state to implement effective measures to protect the lives of human rights defenders, social leaders, their communities and organizations, and the signatories of the 2016 peace accord, with comprehensive actions that go beyond the militarization of the territories.

Read the original Spanish statement here.
Read the unofficial English translation here.

Tags: Chocó, Civil Society Peace Movement, Security Deterioration

May 3, 2022

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