Outlines the current challenges of Colombia’s peace process, across the board, and makes recommendations for U.S. policy.
NGO Reports tagged “Drug Policy”
Links to long-form information produced by non-governmental organizations (other than WOLA)
Erradicaciones Forzosas de Cultivos de Uso Ilícito y Derechos Humanos en Colombia
Publicado por la Corporación Viso Mutop el 30 de junio de 2020. (Link at visomutop.org)
Two longtime Colombian drug policy experts analyze the costs and risks of the current supply-side, eradication-heavy model for dealing with illicit crops, and lay out alternative proposals.
El catálogo de las pequeñas soluciones: historias de sustitución de cultivos ilícitos
Publicado por la Fundación Ideas para la Paz el 23 de junio de 2020.
A collection of accounts of campesinos who have successfully substituted coca through sustainable and innovative projects.
Detoxifying Colombia’s drug policy: Colombia’s counternarcotics options and their impact on peace and state building
Published by the Brookings Institution on January 8, 2020.
Vanda Felbab-Brown analyzes Colombia’s options for reducing the size of its coca crop, and concludes, “The most effective policy to sustainably reduce illicit crops would deliver robust assistance before demanding eradication.”