Caption: “En Cúcuta, #NorteDeSantander, cumpliendo con todos los protocolos de bioseguridad, nuestra Brigada Especial #ContraElNarcotráfico se capacita en derechos humanos, para el desarrollo de sus operaciones militares en la lucha contra este delito.”
Photos tagged “Army”
Public domain photographs about peace, security, and human rights in Colombia
August 5, 2020
Caption: “Una vez más las tropas de la #CuartaDivisión del @COL_EJERCITO
en el Guaviare y sur del Meta, logran golpear al grupo armado organizado residual Estructura Primera.”
August 2, 2020
Caption: “Mantenemos la lucha frontal contra los cultivos ilícitos en los departamentos de Meta, Caquetá y Guaviare. ¡No nos detenemos!”
February 26, 2020
Gen. Daniel Walrath, the commander of U.S. Army South, the U.S. Southern Command’s Army component, visits Tumaco and the La Macarena region of southern Colombia.
February 18, 2020
Forensic investigators from the Special Jurisdiction for Peace at a mass grave in the town cemetery of Dabeiba, Antioquia, where they have uncovered more than 50 bodies. Many are believed to be victims of Army killings.
February 12, 2020
As former army chief Gen. Mario Montoya appears before the Special Jurisdiction for Peace in a hearing about “false positive” killings, victims hold a vigil outside.