Publicado por La Silla Vacía el 18 de noviembre de 2020.
A synthesis, based on three recent oversight reports, of 10 ways that peace accord implementation is falling short of its gender focus goals.
Links to long-form information about peace, security, and human rights in Colombia
Publicado por La Silla Vacía el 18 de noviembre de 2020.
A synthesis, based on three recent oversight reports, of 10 ways that peace accord implementation is falling short of its gender focus goals.
Outlines the current challenges of Colombia’s peace process, across the board, and makes recommendations for U.S. policy.
Publicado por la Coordinación Colombia-Europa-Estados Unidos el 13 de julio de 2020.
The latest pandemic human rights update from the non-governmental platform looks at recent allegations of sexual abuse by military personnel around the country.
Published by the Notre Dame Journal of International and Comparative Law on June 2, 2020.
Finds that the process of selecting justices for the Special Jurisdiction for Peace was a model of inclusiveness.
Published by WOLA on March 4, 2020.
From their fight to assert the rights of coca-grower movements in Bolivia to their contribution to peace building in Colombia, women growers have been crucial agents of change in their communities.