Publicado por Verdad Abierta el 23 de agosto de 2020.
An accounting of the country’s worsening wave of multiple killings.
Links to long-form information about peace, security, and human rights in Colombia
Publicado por Verdad Abierta el 23 de agosto de 2020.
An accounting of the country’s worsening wave of multiple killings.
Publicado por El Tiempo el 21 de agosto de 2020.
Two massacres within a week highlight the daily threats faced by young people in marginalized parts of the country.
Publicado por Verdad Abierta el 17 de agosto de 2020.
The country has suffered at least ten massacres in the prior two months. This article focuses mainly on Nariño.
Publicado por La Liga Contra el Silencio el 12 de agosto de 2020.
Journalists who would report on the severe violence in San José de Uré, southern Córdoba, are silenced.
Publicado por Verdad Abierta el 9 de agosto de 2020.
An analysis of the security forces’ inability to protect human rights defenders and conflict victims from renewed violence.
Publicado por la Fundación Ideas para la Paz el 8 de agosto de 2020.
A look at compliance in peace accord commitments and the security situation in Guaviare, a department in south-central Colombia with a heavy presence of FARC dissident groups.
Published by WOLA on August 4, 2020.
WOLA’s latest monthly urgent update on the situation of human rights defenders and social leaders in Colombia.
Publicado por Verdad Abierta el 30 de julio de 2020.
Southern Córdoba suffered two massacres in 24 hours as neo-paramiltiary groups fight each other. Where are the security forces?
Publicado por la Fundación Ideas para la Paz el 27 de julio de 2020.
Identifies loopholes and weaknesses in Colombia’s laws and procedures for limiting weapons sales.
Publicado por Verdad Abierta el 27 de julio de 2020.
The ELN is the largest of several armed groups operating, and mostly fighting each other bitterly, along the border between Norte de Santander department and Venezuela.
Publicado por Verdad Abierta el 21 de julio de 2020.
An overview, relying on studies from the Defensoría, of recent criminal gang dynamics in Medellín.
Published by Human Rights Watch on July 15, 2020.
Warns of the vicious measures that illegal armed groups have taken to enforce COVID-19 lockdowns, and control territory, in several parts of the country.
Publicado por Semana Sostenible el 8 de julio de 2020.
Reveals the role of dissident groups and cattle ranching in the destruction of forest and national park land in Colombia’s south-central department of Meta.
Publicado por CERAC el 7 de julio de 2020.
Finds a 55 percent increase in deaths from political violence during the first half of 2020, compared with the first half of 2019.
Publicado por CERAC el 7 de julio de 2020.
Finds an increase in ELN violence due mainly to the group’s February 2020 “armed strike.”
Publicado por la Fundación Ideas para la Paz el 3 de julio de 2020.
A heavily graphical overview of where the conflict stands at the moment. Includes an accompanying infographic: English / Español
Publicado por Semana el 29 de junio de 2020.
Armed and criminal groups are increasing their recruitment of child combatants.
Published by WOLA on June 26, 2020.
WOLA’s latest monthly urgent update on the situation of human rights defenders and social leaders in Colombia.
Publicado por la Fundación Paz y Reconciliación el 10 de junio de 2020.
Examines how Mexican drug trafficking organizations have financed and linked up with Colombian counterparts during the post-accord period.
Publicado por via Verdad Abierta el 9 de junio de 2020.
Sounds the alarm about the growing presence of the Gulf Clan and Pachencas neo-paramilitary groups in three Caribbean coast departments.
Published by SSRN on June 5, 2020.
U.S. researchers explore forced disappearance and other security dynamics at the Colombia-Venezuela border region in Norte de Santander department.
Publicado por la Fundación Ideas para la Paz el 24 de mayo de 2020.
An overview of conflict trends during the first four months of 2020. Notes some decrease in overall violence amid the COVID-19 pandemic, with armed groups enforcing restrictions and social leaders facing even more attacks.
Publicado por El Espectador el 7 de mayo de 2020.
A look at threats faced by social leaders in the Catatumbo region, with a thorough mapping of the security situation and illicit economies in each of 10 municipalities.
Publicado por La Silla Vacía el 1 de mayo de 2020.
A survey of how illegal armed groups are imposing rules and enforcing quarantines during the COVID-19 crisis.
Publicado por la Defensoría del Pueblo el 30 de abril de 2020.
An early-warning alert from the human rights ombudsman detailing armed groups’ activities during the first several weeks of COVID-19 response, including violent enforcement of public health measures.