Links to long-form information about peace, security, and human rights in Colombia

Siete proposiciones que demuestran porqué los Planes de Desarrollo con Enfoque Territorial – PDET del Gobierno no son los PDET concebidos en el Acuerdo de paz

Publicado por el Centro de Pensamiento y Diálogo Político el 18 de abril de 2020.

A report from a think tank affiliated with the FARC political party alleges that the Territorially Focused Development Programs (PDET) are departing from the vision foreseen in the peace accords’ first chapter.

Tags: Compliance with Commitments, PDET, Stabilization

Letter dated 16 April 2020 from the President of the Security Council addressed to the Secretary-General and the Permanent Representatives of the members of the Security Council

Published by the UN Security Council on April 17, 2020.

Record of the Security Council’s meeting to review the March 26, 2020 report of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia. (Link at

Tags: Attacks on social leaders, Compliance with Commitments, Demobilization Disarmament and Reintegration, Post-Conflict Implementation, Protection of Excombatants, UN Verification Mission, Verification